Theory: Neutronics

How to prepare cross sections?

To prepare the nuclear cross-section input files for ROOSTER follow these steps:

  • For each isotope required in your model, download the Point-wise Evaluated Nuclear Data (PENDF) file. You can obtain these files from sources like the IAEA Nuclear Data Services.n

  • Utilize NJOY21 to convert the PENDF files into GENDF files for each isotope. Here is an example of the input file for NJOY21 for the PENDF-to-GENDF conversion of the U-238 nuclear data from the JEFF3.1.1 library.

How to build a core model?

The calculational area is divided in the nodes, i.e. square or hexagonal prisms with the same dimensions in the (x,y) surface and if necessary different axial heights. The image below shows the Typical nodalisation for 60-deg symmetry sector of fast reactor core model. Every node in the (x,y) surface corresponds to a subassembly. Every color denotes a homogeneous material.


Typical nodalisation for 60-deg symmetry sector of fast reactor core model

The core model is build in the following four steps:

How to solve eigenvalue problem?

Monte Carlo solver

Finite-difference diffusion solver